We left NYC at 6:45 AM and anchored on the east side of the bridge here in Atlantic City at 6:30 PM. We always seem to put in a 12 hour day on the water. It was a near perfect sailing day with winds 15-20 knots most of the way. We no sooner got situated in the anchorage when Bonnie and Sid called to warn us that the sailboat in front of us had pulled anchor and was dragging down the channel. Walt hailed Tow Boat US who had us call the coast guard (they didn't answer) and then he called the State Police. By this time it's dark, the boat is dragging faster and faster in the current. Finally the police come out to fetch the sailboat...and out of the corner of my eye I see an unlit dinghy being rowed by someone going by our boat and towards the police boat and the sailboat. Yep, it's this guy's boat.....the police pick him up and ticket him for no lights in the dinghy or on his sailboat. Hey....he didn't lose his boat!
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