Ahh...to be at the Annapolis Boat Show Columbus Day Week-end, anchored in Back Creek on your own boat.....does it get any better than this? Oh and it's sunny and warm! There are sailboats anchored everywhere here and downtown Annapolis is packed with happy people having a good time. We went to church with Bonnie and Sid at the Naval Academy this morning and then attended three seminars at the show: How to Trim your Sails, Attitude Adjustment by Bob Bitchin HIMSELF!, and Cruising the Abacos. They were all worth our time. We even bought a two-day pass so we are going back to the show all day tomorrow. Bad news from Catalina......they stopped production last year of our 42 and also the 320. They have down-sized to only four ocean cruisers and they have closed their original plant in California because of too many EPA regulations. Leave it to the government to regulate the heck out of small business here in the States.
Wow. You traveled really fast, even with the detour up the St. Lawrence. We're on the Neuse River now, should hit Cape Fear Saturday. Maybe you'll catch up.