Today was a glorious day! We biked to Tahiti Beach at the end of Elbow Cay and looked out the cut to the ocean which was filled with incoming waves and lots of spray all crashing on coral and sand. There were conchs lying everywhere but not collectibles. I did find some sunshine shells which I've never seen before-very pretty. On our way back to Hopetown we stopped at the Abaco Inn for lunch and met a very cute curly tail. Walt tried the local Bahamian brew called Kalik and I had a rumrunner with my lunch. Seated next to us we met Tony and Bente who have cruised for 18 years and now have an Endeavour 44 Power Cat named Side by Side. They invited us to their boat for cocktails later. We heard tales of their trips to Bermuda, Venezuela, and the Caribbean....they even were hit by a small rogue wave in the dark.
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